27 November 2013



In August, I went down to 'Nawlins for the SAA Conference and had a blast. It was my first time there and I had things to do! One being take a steamboat ride and ghost tour.
First thing I noticed is the lack of spunk of my flight attendant. When asked what I wanted to drink, I answered, "Coke." I didn't realize until moments later that I wanted her to ask me what kind of coke I wanted. Because, in linguistic anthropology, I learned that in the American South, soda is referred to as coke. All soda.I mean, is it to much to ask for a flight attendant to get into the spirt of wherever were going?
Unfortunately, I was only there for a few days and cannot say much about the food. Especially because most of it was my hotel food. I did have a Po-Boy and (don't kill me) did not think it anything special. It was just some spiced shrimp on bread with salad. didn't hold together.
 But, the Hurricane was good. Good? Ha. Excellent. And you can drink it on the street.

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