Yes, at the end of this gastrovist I would like to write a book or two. I have always wanted to write books- for the past few years it's been non-fiction, but I did take a writing workshop in 10th grade. My story was more of a soap opera than a novel- which should give you a sense of why I haven't written anything. I don't like having to fill in all the details, edit, proofread, make sure it makes sense. It's the reluctance of sticking with the long-term goal.
I think I touch on ADD in a post. And most stories.
I think I touch on ADD in a post. And most stories.
Skip here: I've been noticing many trends in turn-of-the-cenutry cookbooks, one of which is the inclusion of recipes for the sick. I have not taken any folklore classes, but I have taken anthropology ones and anyway friend who did told me what it was. Thus, a folkloric part of my brain wonders what happened. Am I missing current versions of this or, as I suspect, are we just too used to popping pills we don't notice or care?
There has been a backlash though, you can get a fair amount of literature on our dependency on pills. Some of my friends have tried to decrease their drug intake. Then there's Eastern/ Alternative medicine.
On Saturday, Matt made a home remedy for headaches. I was shocked and awed, I thought it was really cool. I can't remember the last time I used a home remedy. I have, however, been using a lot of alternative techniques. But, we're talking about American folk home remedies through, and the only one I can think of is honey and lemon for a sore throat..
My mom has several home remedy books that I keep meaning to read. The problem is that pills can be much quicker and, lets face it, never rely on a disgusting concoction.
Actually, using chemicals might be more effective, but at what cost? Yes, I do hear my environmentalist voice talking, but it applies to drugs in our bodies too. It takes time to mix up remedies of your house or your body, but its always time vs money..or health. Some home remedies cost more, some cost less. I also think that it says something about our society,like so many other things pushing us to go more and more a long the path of a individualistic society.
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